Diablo 3 crusader fan art
Diablo 3 crusader fan art

diablo 3 crusader fan art diablo 3 crusader fan art

The thick of battle is unforgiving, but Crusaders rush in without hesitation, relying on holy magic and heavy armor to guarantee victory. Experienced veterans, Crusaders often spend their lives on the move, in the wilderness and city alike, they take part in thousands of fights from epic battles to back alley brawls. Unbending champions of faith and law, Crusaders' formidable skills and abilities set them apart on the battlefield, wading through scores of foes and leaving demonic bodies in their wake. Resourceful and resilient, Crusaders are an entirely different breed of holy warriors, trained to wield sacred powers unlike any before. And so it has continued for two hundred years. When a crusader fell, his apprentice would take up his armor, his place in the order, and even his very name! When the first generation of crusaders fell, their own apprentices took up their identities. "I recently met a returning crusader, and now I understand.

Diablo 3 crusader fan art